Midwife and

Welcome to my website, have a look around!
I am woman, midwife, researcher, dancer and slowly I am also becoming a Berliner.
My calling is midwife and with passion I accompany processes around pregnancy, birth and the first weeks to years after. I am also interested in how this affects a person’s life in the long term. I take great pleasure in sharing the knowledge I have gathered so far with parents-to-be and other curious people.

During my training as a midwife in Berlin Neukölln, I discovered Contact Improvisation, a modern dance form.
Through this practice I learned a lot about touch, closeness and distance, as well as perceiving and setting boundaries. This supports me profoundly in my work as a midwife.
For 10 years I have been studying the cycles of the biological woman as part of my midwifery work. Both practically and theoretically, I explore the biological processes that women go through.

Years of professional experience in various obstetric clinics, two years in the birth center Kreuzberg as well as my studies in salutophysiology (applied physiology for midwives) have led me to a deep understanding about the power of cycles, the birth process and physical and mental health.

On this website I would like to present my work. At the moment it is still in the process of development, to soon I share all my activities and visions.